Topical Agenda for the 2022 Northern California State of Reform Health Policy Conference is now available!


Kaylor Erickson


The Topical Agenda for our 2022 Northern California State of Reform Health Policy Conference on March 23rd is now live!

Stay one step ahead. Join our email list for the latest news.


State of Reform pulls together practitioners, thought leaders, and policy makers – each working to improve our health care system in their own way – into a unified conversation in a single place.

We’ll be exploring politics and policy in health care reform, discussing meaningful impacts of COVID-19 on telehealth and health equity, and diving deep into ways to make health care affordable for Californians.

You can view the Topical Agenda here for a sense of the conversations we have teed up, and if you have suggestions for speakers let us know!

Registrants will be able to watch all of the sessions after the event as they’ll be recorded for those with access from the event.

As we once again gather together in Sacramento, we’d be honored to have you join us. Register today!