June 7, 2024

Baltimore Marriott Waterfront

2024 Maryland State of Reform Health Policy Conference


Conference Overview

The 2024 Maryland State of Reform Health Policy Conference will once again be taking place in-person at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront on June 7th, 2024!

This State of Reform conference is focused on bridging the gap between healthcare policy and political reality. Too often, those with good ideas for reforming healthcare don’t have a solid understanding of how the legislative process works. Those who understand politics don’t always comprehend the intricacies of the healthcare system. If you are interested in understanding what occurs at the nexus of healthcare policy and politics, then this is the conference for you!

Join us on June 7th at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront to discuss the most important healthcare activity taking place in Maryland! If you have questions or speaker suggestions, please feel free to drop us a line. We would love to hear from you!

Topical Agenda

Here is our 2024 Maryland State of Reform Health Policy Conference Topical Agenda! This represents input from our Advisory Panel and stakeholders across the spectrum of Maryland healthcare over the last number of weeks.

If you have suggestions for speakers, please feel free to drop us a line. We would love to hear your thoughts on this! If you haven’t already, you can register here.

Please note that all agenda times are local.

7:30 - 8:30

Registration & Networking Breakfast

8:30 - 9:15

Opening Plenary

Alyssa Lord: Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health, Maryland Department of Health

Ryan Moran: Deputy Secretary for Healthcare Financing & Medicaid Director, Maryland Department of Health

9:30 - 10:30

Workforce Sustainability & Growth: Community Health Workers, Long-Term Care & More

Using Data to Build a Stronger Public Health System

Playing Their Role: Schools as a Center for Healthcare

10:45 - 11:45

Privacy Implications for Reproductive Rights

Reciprocity & Growing the Healthcare Workforce

Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Maryland

11:45 - 12:45

Networking Lunch

1:00 - 2:00

The State of the State for Behavioral Health: Maryland’s Behavioral Health Landscape

Strategies for Improving Hospital Emergency Department Boarding & Throughput

Implementation of the Maryland Health Equity Resource Act

2:15 - 3:15

Adolescence & Behavioral Health: Social Media, Gaming & Other Factors

Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis

Legislators Discuss Health Policy

3:30 - 4:00

Closing Plenary

Nilesh Kalyanaraman: Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services, Maryland Department of Health

Jon Kromm: Executive Director, Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission

Shannon McMahon: Executive Director, Medicaid Policy, Kaiser Permanente

Event Sponsors

Major Sponsors

HMA - Health Management Associates Aetna

Track Sponsors

Exhibitor Sponsors

MMCOA The Hilltop Institute

Want to sponsor an upcoming conference?

See Sponorship Details
7:30 - 8:30

Registration & Networking Breakfast

The Networking Breakfast will take place before the start of the conference to allow attendees to grab a light refreshment and connect with their fellow colleagues before we kick things off for the day.

8:30 - 9:15

Opening Plenary

The Opening Plenary will feature Alyssa Lord, Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health at the Maryland Department of Health, and Ryan Moran, Deputy Secretary for Healthcare Financing & Medicaid at the department, for a conversation about some of the key topics in state health policy. Join these leaders to hear about their perspectives on many of the topics on our agenda today and their work at the state health agency.

Alyssa Lord: Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health, Maryland Department of Health

Ryan Moran: Deputy Secretary for Healthcare Financing & Medicaid Director, Maryland Department of Health

Robin Preston: Senior Regional Vice President, Health Management Associates (moderator)

9:30 - 10:30

Workforce Sustainability & Growth: Community Health Workers, Long-Term Care & More

Paraprofessional healthcare providers like community health workers (CHWs) and long-term care providers are critical parts of the healthcare system. This panel tackles the big questions surrounding the nontraditional provider workforce. Questions like, how can Maryland’s health sector continue to grow the non-traditional provider workforce, and what incentives are needed to integrate these workers into traditional service models? Join this group of experts as they discuss long-term sustainability and growth opportunities for this segment of the workforce.

Sarah Hemming: Member Relations & Education Manager, Leading Age Maryland

Kimberly Hiner: Director, Office of Population Health Improvement, Maryland Department of Health

Gabriela Lemus, PhD: Executive Director, Maryland Latinos Unidos

Michael Rhein: President & Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Public Health Innovation

Liddy Garcia Bunuel: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

9:30 - 10:30

Using Data to Build a Stronger Public Health System

As Maryland continues to strengthen their public health infrastructure, experts are exploring how the state can support the public health workforce based on lessons learned over the past few years. Join this panel for a robust discussion about improving public health in Maryland and the role health data plays in this development.

Craig Behm: President & Chief Executive Officer, Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP)

Meenakshi G. Brewster, MD, MPH, FAAFP: Health Officer, St. Mary’s County; Co-Chair, Maryland Commission on Public Health

Angelo Edge: President & Chief Executive Officer, Aetna Better Health of Maryland

Judith Hutman: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

9:30 - 10:30

Playing Their Role: Schools as a Center for Healthcare

Schools are a critical point of intervention in the healthcare system. The Maryland Council on Advancement of School Based Health Centers has developed recommendations for optimizing the role of school-based health centers in the state. This panel will discuss the council’s recommendations and the movement towards financial stability for school-based health centers.

Kate Connor: Chair, Maryland Council on Advancement of School-Based Health Centers

Michelle Turner: Vice President, Clinical Talent & Delivery, Hazel Health

Ben Wormser: Medical Director, Bureau of Maternal & Child Health, Maryland Department of Health

Katharine Weiss, MPA: Program Director, State of Reform (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Privacy Implications for Reproductive Rights

Maryland remains a refuge for those seeking reproductive health services. But now advocates are taking the next step to protect patients and providers. Maryland just passed several bills safeguarding sensitive and politically controversial health data. Maryland is now the first in the nation to use untapped insurance premium funds to support financially strapped patients seeking abortions. Come listen to experts discuss these bills and how Maryland can continue to be a leader in this space.

Robyn S. Elliott: Managing Partner, Public Policy Partners

Elizabeth Edsall Kromm, PhD, MSc: Director, Prevention & Health Promotion Administration, Maryland Department of Health

Nichole Sweeney, JD: General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer, Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP)

Erica Reaves, DrPH, MPP: Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Reciprocity & Improving Access in Maryland

This year, the Maryland General Assembly considered several bills for workforce reciprocity with other states. Are these reciprocity agreements the silver bullet needed to rebuild the state’s diminishing workforce of providers? Hear from the experts as they discuss licensure compacts and other potential solutions to workforce challenges.

Jane Krienke: Senior Analyst, Maryland Hospital Association

Edna Primrose: Business Development & Partnerships, Maryland Apprenticeship Connector

Modupè Savage: System Director, Academic-Practice Partnerships, MedStar Health

Minah Woo: Vice President of Workforce, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, Howard Community College

Greg Gierer: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Maryland

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced new flexibilities available under Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for states to address health-related social needs (HRSNs), such as housing instability or food insecurity, through Medicaid section 1115 demonstrations, 1915 waivers, and managed care authorities. CMS’ guidance demonstrates its commitment to help states address social determinants of health and the impact they have on the individuals who rely on Medicaid and CHIP. How can Maryland, and other states, take advantage of these authorities? What strategies can the state pursue to mitigate HRSN factors, like housing insecurity, from inhibiting Marylanders’ health?

Sonya J. Bruton, PsyD, MPA: Chief Executive Officer & President, CCI Health Services, Inc.

Alyssa L. Brown, JD: Director, Innovation, Research, and Development, Office of Health Care Financing, Maryland Department of Health

Annice Cody: President, Holy Cross Health Network, Holy Cross Health

Tonya Moore, JD: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

11:45 - 12:45

Networking Lunch

1:00 - 2:00

The State of the State for Behavioral Health: Maryland's Behavioral Health Landscape

Maryland has tried several different approaches to improving the state’s behavioral health system. This panel will discuss Maryland’s work to strengthen the crisis care continuum, recent regulatory changes to behavioral health services, the 988 line and more. Hear from experts about the different programs created to address behavioral health, where things stand now, and what’s next.

Erin McMullen: Chief of Staff, Maryland Department of Health

Drew Pate, MD: Medical Director, Carelon Behavioral Health

Dan Rabbitt: Policy Director, Behavioral Health System Baltimore

Jennifer Wilkerson: Senior Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, Sheppard Pratt

Katharine Weiss, MPA: Program Director, State of Reform (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

Strategies for Improving Hospital Emergency Department Boarding & Throughput

Long ER wait times and an increase in hospital boarding has created an access problem for Maryland patients. A Maryland Hospital Association-led work group—in collaboration with Health Management Associatesrecently produced a report with recommendations for how to address emergency department wait times and hospital throughput issues. This panel will discuss the strategies recommended by the work group, what they’ll entail, and what implementation of these strategies might look like moving forward.

Erin Davis, MBA, RN, PMP: Director of Quality & Health Improvement, Maryland Hospital Association

Neel Vibhakar, MD, MBA, FACEP: Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center; Associate Chief Clinical Officer, University of Maryland Medical System

Zach Gaumer: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

Implementation of the Maryland Health Equity Resource Act

The Maryland General Assembly has provided significant resources to address health disparities, improve health outcomes, and reduce avoidable hospital utilization.  This panel will provide an update on implementation of the Maryland Health Equity Resource Act.  Join these leaders to hear their perspective on the impact of the Pathways to Health Equity program and get a preview of the Health Equity Resource Community grants issued by the Community Health Resources Commission earlier this spring.

Rebecca A. Altman, RN, MBA: Senior Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, University of Maryland Medical Center, Midtown Campus; Chair, Data & Program Evaluation, Health Equity Resource Community Advisory Committee

Meenakshi G. Brewster, MD, MPH, FAAFPHealth Officer, St. Mary’s County; Co-Chair, Maryland Commission on Public Health

Wayman Scott: Associate Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Community Relations, Greater Baltimore Medical Center

Mark Luckner: Executive Director, Maryland Community Health Resources Commission (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Adolescence & Behavioral Health: Social Media, Gaming & Other Factors

This year, the Maryland General Assembly considered a swath of bills combating the negative impact of online gaming and social media on behavioral health. Experts are considering different ways to address the challenge including commissioning studies and launching public awareness campaigns. Come hear about this issue and how officials and advocates are working together to address this growing problem.

Alessia Cuba: Member, Maryland Youth Advisory Council

Blair Inniss, JD, MA: Government Relations Manager, Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling

Del. Pamela E. Queen, PhD: State Delegate, District 14, Maryland House of Delegates

Monique Soileau-Burke, MD, IBCLC, FAAP: President, Maryland Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Erin Russell: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis

Lawmakers proposed a bill this year that would create a public health approach to firearm violence reduction. During this panel, experts will discuss how they are working to fully understand the gun violence epidemic. Hear about the growing research in this area and the laws and programs that are proving to be effective.

Martin Bartness: Senior Principal, Police Executive Research Forum

Lisa Garry: Deputy Secretary of Community Services, Maryland Department of Juvenile Services

Stefanie Mavronis: Director, Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety & Engagement

Jen Pauliukonis: Director of Policy & Programming, Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions

Anika Alvanzo, MD, MS, DFASAM, FACP: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Legislators Discuss Health Policy

Join state lawmakers as they look back on this year’s legislative session. These legislators will discuss the major healthcare legislation passed this year and what can be done as Maryland moves into the implementation stage. They will also share their hopes and ideas for future legislative sessions.

Del. Heather A. Bagnall: State Delegate, District 33C, Maryland House of Delegates

Del. Bonnie Cullison: Vice Chair, Health & Government Operations Committee, Maryland House of Delegates

Del. Terri L. Hill, MD: State Delegate, District 12A, Maryland House of Delegates

Sen. Cory V. McCray: State Senator, District 45, Maryland State Senate

Matt Roan: Senior Regional Vice President, Health Management Associates (moderator)

3:30 - 4:00

Closing Plenary

We’ve convened a group of influential state healthcare leaders for a unique Closing Plenary. Join Shannon McMahon, Executive Director for Medicaid Policy at Kaiser Permanente, Nilesh Kalyanaraman, Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services at the Maryland Department of Health, and Jon Kromm, Executive Director of the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission for a forward-looking conversation about the state of Maryland’s healthcare landscape.

Nilesh Kalyanaraman: Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services, Maryland Department of Health

Jon Kromm: Executive Director, Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission

Shannon McMahon: Executive Director, Medicaid Policy, Kaiser Permanente

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