Prior to its passage earlier this month, Proposal 3—the ballot proposition to codify the right to an abortion in the Michigan’s constitution—had been labeled misleading or confusing by many groups in Michigan who were trying to sway people into voting against it.     The official text of Proposal 3 (displayed at the end of … Read more

On Tuesday, the Michigan ballot measure to enshrine the right to obtain an abortion into the state constitution passed with 56.7% of voters voting in support of the measure and 43.3% of voters voting against it.     According to data cited by the Michigan League for Public Policy, a supporting organization of Proposal 3, … Read more

Michiganders will soon vote on amending the state constitution to include the right to reproductive freedom, including the right to obtain an abortion. Michigan is one of 5 states, including California, Kentucky, Montana, and Vermont, with a measure about abortion on the November ballot.     Proposal 3, spearheaded by Reproductive Freedom For All (a … Read more