Hawaii’s health system continues to face dual strain from the COVID-19 pandemic and a significant workforce shortage. A recent report from the University of Hawaii (UH) John A. Burns School of Medicine found a statewide shortage of up to 1,000 physicians—a deficit the report says would be “difficult to manage” even without the pandemic preventing … Read more

Hawaii is one of just six states that rank above average in health care for all ethnic groups, according to a November 2021 study from the Commonwealth Fund. The study collected data on 24 different health indicators and grouped them into three general categories: health outcomes, health care access, and health care quality.      … Read more

A compounded tax policy, low reimbursement rates, and more are straining Hawaii’s health care workforce to the point where facilities, particularly on neighboring islands, are beginning to shut down. These gaps in care are contributing to otherwise preventable health disparities in Hawaii.  State of Reform spoke with Dr. Scott Grosskreutz, a Hilo-based physician, on the … Read more