The American Medical Association adopted new policy language directing a comprehensive advocacy campaign for Medicare payment reform at its Annual Meeting of House Delegates in Chicago on June 14th.      The new language was largely informed by a resolution authored by the Texas Medical Association and an advocacy push spearheaded by its new president, … Read more

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed Senate Bill 16 on Saturday, just one day after the Utah Legislature passed the controversial measure that bans gender-transitioning surgical procedures and places a moratorium on hormonal treatment for minors.      After advancing out of the Senate Health and Human Services Standing Committee (HHSSC) on Jan. 18th, it took … Read more

The American Medical Association (AMA) released a report last week showing a drop in opioid prescriptions nationwide. According to the report, there was a 44.4% drop in opioid prescriptions nationwide from 2011 to 2020. This time frame represented a drop from 257.9 million prescriptions to 143.4 million prescriptions.      Deaths from drug overdoses, however, … Read more