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April 16, 2024

SAFE Credit Union Convention Center

2024 Northern California State of Reform Health Policy Conference


Conference Overview

The 2024 Northern California State of Reform Health Policy Conference will once again be taking place in-person in Sacramento on April 16th, 2024! During past conferences in Sacramento, we’ve covered several hundreds of stories in California healthcare, and convened leaders across the spectrum of care – from carriers and providers as well as local and state agencies. Through an intensive stakeholder process, one centered on the input from our Convening Panel, we’ll highlight the unique issues California faces and how stakeholders are improving care while reducing costs.

The State of Reform Health Policy Conference is focused on bridging the gap between healthcare policy and political reality. Too often, those with good ideas for reforming healthcare don’t have a solid understanding of how the legislative process works. Those who understand politics don’t always comprehend the intricacies of the healthcare system.

State of Reform pulls together practitioners, thought leaders, and policy makers – each working to improve our healthcare system in their own way – into a unified conversation in a single place.

Join us at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center on April 16th to discuss the most important healthcare activities taking place in Sacramento. If you have questions or speaker suggestions, please feel free to drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!

Topical Agenda

Here is our 2024 Northern California State of Reform Health Policy Conference Topical Agenda! This represents input from our Advisory Panel and stakeholders across the spectrum of California healthcare over the last number of weeks.

If you have suggestions for speakers, please feel free to drop us a line. We would love to hear your thoughts on this! If you haven’t already, you can register here.

Please note that all agenda times are local.

8:30 - 9:30

Registration/Networking Breakfast – Sponsored by Unite Us


9:30 - 10:30

Opening Keynote

Sandra Hernandez, MD: President & Chief Executive Officer, California Health Care Foundation

B3 – B8

10:45 - 11:45

Hospital Long-Term Financing & Stabilization


Community Responses to Access Challenges

MR 9

The Remaining Challenges with CalAIM Implementation


11:45 - 12:45

Networking Lunch

B3 – B8

1:00 - 2:00

Data Interconnectivity & Integration: Provider Readiness for VBP

MR 9

Paraprofessional Recruitment & Retention


Children’s Health & Welfare


2:15 - 3:15

Justice-Involved Re-Entry: Developing a System of Care

MR 9

Efforts to Improve Behavioral Health Access


Insights into the California Legislature


3:30 - 4:00

Closing Keynote

Darrell Steinberg: Mayor, City of Sacramento

B3 – B8


Reception – Sponsored by Health Net


Event Sponsors

Major Sponsors

HMA - Health Management Associates Health Net BluePath Health

Track Sponsors

BluePath Health Transform Health Carelon Behavioral Health

Exhibitor Sponsors

Unite Us Briljent

Want to sponsor an upcoming conference?

See Sponorship Details
8:30 - 9:30

Networking Breakfast - Sponsored by Unite Us

The Networking Breakfast, sponsored by Unite Us, will take place before the start of the conference to allow attendees to grab a light refreshment and connect with their fellow colleagues before we kick things off for the day.

9:30 - 10:30

Opening Keynote

We’re starting the day with a keynote from Sandra Hernandez, MD, President and CEO of the California Health Care Foundation. Grab a seat as Hernandez discusses her organization’s ongoing work to improve healthcare delivery, bridge gaps in health equity, and expand access to care.

Sandra Hernandez, MD: President & Chief Executive Officer, California Health Care Foundation

10:45 - 11:45

Hospital Long-Term Financing & Stabilization

Hospitals across Northern California are experiencing unprecedented strain. Recent initiatives like the Distressed Hospital Loan Program and the MCO Tax have been implemented to provide financial support for these facilities, but how can leaders ensure hospitals are financially stable over the long term? This panel will discuss the most promising strategies for hospital financial stability.

Carolyn Aboubechara: Executive Director of the California Health Facilities Financing Authority, California Treasurer’s Office

Ben Johnson: Vice President, Policy, California Hospital Association

J.P. Marion: Deputy Director,California Department of Health Care Access & Information

Anne McLeod: President & Chief Executive Officer, Private Essential Access Community Hospitals

Robert Minkin: Managing Director, Health Management Associates (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Community Responses to Access Challenges

Many residents have coverage in California, but often face other barriers to accessing care. Rural health system closures, workforce shortages, and cost are significant and thorny issues.  This panel will discuss the options communities have to help ameliorate access barriers and support the tools that make getting timely, quality care possible for all populations.

Chris Esguerra, MD: Chief Medical Officer, Health Plan of San Mateo

Sylvia Trujillo, MPP, JD: Executive Director, California Telehealth Resource Center

Katharine Weiss: Program Director, State of Reform (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

The Remaining Challenges with CalAIM Implementation

CalAIM’s widespread transformation of the Medi-Cal program is now in its third year. While many impactful changes are in motion, stakeholders express continued concerns about implementation timelines, provider and consumer uptake and operational hurdles slowing the effectiveness of the various initiatives under CalAIM. Join this panel for a solution-oriented conversation about how to navigate the complex CalAIM program and improve it for all stakeholders moving forward.

Selina Escobar: Director of Special Programs, Anthem Blue Cross

Ruben Imperial: Assistant Executive Officer, Stanislaus County

Al Rowlett, LCSW: President & Chief Executive Officer, Turning Point

Melora Simon, MPH: Associate Director, People-Centered Care, California Health Care Foundation (moderator)

11:45 - 12:45

Networking Lunch

1:00 - 2:00

Data Interconnectivity & Integration: Provider Readiness for VBP

The seamless and confidential sharing of health data is crucial in improving the health of Californians. Particularly as more providers prepare to implement value-based care models, access to patients comprehensive health data is critical. This panel will identify the remaining obstacles in achieving seamless data interconnectivity and how it will intersect with value-based payments.

Tara Brickey: Business Change Director, Anthem Blue Cross

Timi Leslie: President, BluePath Health and Executive Director, Connecting for Better Health

Trey Sutten: Chief Executive Officer, Siftwell

Carter Kimble: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

Paraprofessional Recruitment & Retention

Ensuring there is an adequate number of paraprofessionals in the healthcare system is equally as important as doing so for traditional healthcare providers. How can the Northern California region grow and maintain home-based care providers, student nurses, and other paraprofessionals for patients in need? This panel of experts will explore the most promising strategies for supporting the paraprofessional workforce moving forward.

Genelle Cazares: Chief Executive Officer, El Hogar Community Services

Hovik Khosrovian: Senior Policy Advisor, Health Workforce Development, California Department of Health Care Access & Information

Renita Polk: Assistant Director, Office of the Direct Care Workforce, California Department of Aging

Noel Vargas: Deputy Director, Primary Health Services, Department of Health Services Sacramento County

Gelmy Ruiz: Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

Children’s Health & Welfare

The overall health of California children remains a top priority for state health leaders, particularly as the comprehensive Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative has been implemented. This panel will discuss how to continue improving the health and welfare of California youth.

Palav Babaria, MD, MHS: Chief Quality Officer and Deputy Director of Quality and Population Health Management, California Department of Health Care Services 

Julie Gallelo: Executive Director, First Five

Mike Odeh: Senior Director of Health, Children Now

Nancy Wongvipat Kalev, MPH: Senior Director of Systems of Care, Health Net

Christina Altmayer: Senior Regional Vice President, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Justice-Involved Re-Entry: Developing a System of Care

California is in the process of implementing Medi-Cal services for the justice-involved population after becoming the first state in the country to approve these services in 2023. What does the implementation process look like, and what work remains? This panel will discuss the work that goes into building this new system of care for the justice-involved population.

Brandy Gadino: Behavioral Health Market Director, Carelon Behavioral Health

Moira Kenney, PhD: Business Solutions Architect, Unite Us

Valerie Martinez: Chief Health Equity Officer, Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan

Renee Smith, LCSW: Program & Services Manager, Solano County Sheriff’s Office

Rebekah Kharrazi: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Efforts to Improve Behavioral Health Access

The California health sector is focused on providing comprehensive behavioral health access to all individuals through both the public and private sector. This panel will evaluate the progress the state has made over the past few years and examine what still needs to be done to make quality behavioral healthcare accessible for all Californians.

Moisés Barón, PhD: Immediate Past President & CEO, San Diego Center for Children; Past President, California Alliance for Child & Family Services

Michelle Doty Cabrera: Executive Director, County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California

Stesha Hodges: Assistant Chief Counsel; Chief of Health Equity and Access Office, California Department of Insurance

Ryan Quist, PhD: Director, Behavioral Health Services, Sacramento County

Don Novo: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Insights into the California Legislature

There’s a lot to track in this year’s legislative session, so we’ve brought together some of the leading experts in healthcare policymaking in Sacramento. Attend this panel for an informative discussion about some of the most significant health-related legislation being taken up by state lawmakers this year, and what to be on the lookout for as the session progresses.

Nick Louizos: Senior Vice President, California Association of Health Plans

David Panush: President, California Health Policy Strategies

Kassy Perry: President & Chief Executive Officer, Perry Communications

Elvia Delgado, MBA: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

3:30 - 4:00

Closing Keynote

It’s an honor to welcome Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg for our Closing Keynote. Don’t miss out on this unique session, where Steinberg will offer his thoughts on a range of healthcare issues impacting the Northern California region from his perspective as mayor.

Darrell Steinberg: Mayor, City of Sacramento


Reception - Sponsored by Health Net

Please join us following the Closing Keynote for a Networking Reception, sponsored by Health Net. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be included, giving attendees a wonderful opportunity to follow up on the discussions we’ve had throughout the day.

Don't miss it - Register now!

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