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September 5, 2024

Hyatt Regency Bloomington - Minneapolis

2024 Minnesota State of Reform Health Policy Conference


Conference Overview

The 2024 Minnesota State of Reform Health Policy Conference will once again be taking place in-person at the Hyatt Regency Bloomington – Minneapolis, on Thursday, September 5th, 2024.

State of Reform pulls together practitioners, thought leaders, and policy makers – each working to improve our healthcare system in their own way – into a unified conversation in a single place. If you are interested in understanding what occurs at the nexus of healthcare policy and politics, then this is the conference for you.

Join us at the Hyatt Regency Bloomington – Minneapolis, on September 5th, to discuss the most important healthcare activities taking place in Minnesota. If you have questions or speaker suggestions, please feel free to drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!

Topical Agenda

Here is our 2024 Minnesota State of Reform Health Policy Conference Topical Agenda! This represents input from hours of conversations with our Advisory Panel and stakeholders across the spectrum of Minnesota healthcare over the last number of months.

If you have suggestions for speakers, please feel free to drop us a line. We would love to hear your thoughts on this! If you haven’t already, you can register here.

Please note that all agenda times are local.

7:30 - 8:30

Registration/Networking Breakfast

8:30 - 9:15

Opening Plenary

Lisa Bjerga: President & Chief Executive Officer, Lakewood Health System

Ben Davis: President & Chief Executive Officer, Glencoe Regional Health

Rahul Koranne: President & Chief Executive Officer, Minnesota Hospital Association

Rachelle Schultz: President & Chief Executive Officer, Winona Health

9:30 - 10:30

The State of Children’s Health

State Waivers in Minnesota & Their Promise for Improving Healthcare

Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis

10:45 - 11:45

Paying for Healthcare Differently: The Evolving Payer Landscape

Exploring Strategies to Improve Rural Healthcare Access

Ensuring Access to Home & Community-Based Services

11:45 - 12:45

Networking Lunch


Lunch Keynote

Sarah Kinney: Executive Director, Minnesota Health Cabinet; Assistant Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget


1:00 - 2:00

What’s Next for Improving Minnesota’s Health Data Landscape?

Getting Providers Into the Workforce

Transforming Aging in Minnesota

2:15 - 3:15

A Conversation with State Lawmakers: Health Policymaking in the Minnesota Legislature

3:15 - 4:00

Closing Plenary

Jennifer DeCubellis: Chief Executive Officer, Hennepin Healthcare

Cami Peterson-DeVries: Vice President of Senior Services, St. Francis Health Services of Morris

Marie Zimmerman: Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, UCare

Gainwell Technologies

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7:30 - 8:30

Registration & Networking Breakfast

The Networking Breakfast will take place before the start of the conference to allow attendees to grab light refreshments and connect with their fellow colleagues before we kick things off for the day.

8:30 - 9:15

Opening Plenary

We’re starting the day by hearing from a variety of hospital leaders about some of the central challenges facing the facilities across Minnesota. This esteemed panel of hospital leadership will discuss the work they’re doing to improve care delivery for patients, navigate financial challenges, and grow the workforce. They will also discuss the best ways the state’s health sector can support hospitals heading into the future.

Lisa Bjerga: President & Chief Executive Officer, Lakewood Health System

Ben Davis: President & Chief Executive Officer, Glencoe Regional Health

Rahul Koranne, MD: President & Chief Executive Officer, Minnesota Hospital Association

Rachelle Schultz: President & Chief Executive Officer, Winona Health

9:30 - 10:30

The State of Children’s Health

Join this dynamic panel for a conversation about the state’s current landscape for children’s mental health and well-being. Panelists will dive into topics such as the increased need for children’s mental health services across the continuum, workforce, and prevention. Speakers will also discuss the role of Minnesota’s new Department of Children, Youth, and Families.

Linda Henderson-Smith, PhD: Senior Product Management Director, Carelon Behavioral Health

Brandon Jones: Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Children’s Mental Health

Julia Joseph-Di Caprio, MD, MPH: President & Founder, Leap Pediatric & Adolescent Care

Brittany Wright: Program Manager, Minnesota Children’s Cabinet

Lauren Gilchrist: Senior Director, Collective for Community Health, Children’s Minnesota (moderator)

9:30 - 10:30

State Waivers in Minnesota & Their Promise for Improving Healthcare

Over the last several years, Minnesota has considered adopting several federal waivers from CMS. Legislators recently passed a bill asking the state to study an 1115 waiver opportunity to address health-related social needs (HSRNs). The state is also considering pursuing a waiver to support the justice-involved population.  Join this group of experts as they discuss how the state can capitalize on different opportunities offered by CMS.

Michael Cabonargi: Region V Director, US Department of Health & Human Services

Nathan Chomilo, MD: Medicaid Medical Director, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Jolene Rebertus: Assistant Commissioner, Health, Recovery & Programming, Minnesota Department of Corrections

Paul Fleissner: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

9:30 - 10:30

Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis

Join this panel as speakers discuss the growing threat of gun violence for Minnesota communities. Hear about growing research in this area and the laws and programs that are proving to be effective.

Lisa Bayley: Director, Safe Communities, Hennepin County

Damōn Chaplin: Health Commissioner, Minneapolis Health Department

Catherine Diamond, DrPH: Manager of Injury and Violence Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health

Will Wallace: Director of Community Peace Building, Nonviolent Peaceforce

Rob Muschler: Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Paying for Healthcare Differently: The Evolving Payer Landscape

As healthcare expenses continue to rise and state budgets shrink, Minnesota is looking into creative opportunities to pay for healthcare differently. Join this panel of experts as they discuss the recently updated law on health plan nonprofit status requirements, the integrated health partnership model and the recently passed state study on Managed Care Organization (MCO) payments.

Steve Gottwalt: Executive Director, Minnesota Association of County Health Plans

Jinny Palen: Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs

Dave Weber: Sr. Director – Business & Product Development, Gainwell

Jennifer Garber: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Exploring Strategies to Improve Rural Healthcare Access

Minnesota’s rural communities continue to struggle with access to healthcare. Join this panel to discuss the challenges facing rural hospitals to maintain access to essential services. Hear from panelists about potential policy levers to help improve care in non-urban settings including the utilization of federal programs. Panelists will also discuss promising models being utilized in the region such as cooperative arrangements between community-based organizations (CBOs) and federally qualified health centers (FQHCs).

Ravyn Gibbs: Tribal Liaison, Minnesota Department of Health

Daniel Hoody, MD: Vice President, Clinic & Medical Officer; Sanford Health, Bemidiji Region

Stephen Jameson, MD: Co-Editor, Emergency Medical Core Training

Leota Lind: Chief Executive Officer, South Country Health Alliance

Jill Kemper: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Ensuring Access to Home & Community-Based Services

Earlier this year, CMS issued a final rule designed to remove barriers that Medicaid beneficiaries face in accessing home and community-based services (HCBS).  Join this panel for a conversation about how this rule will impact care and help reduce health disparities in Minnesota.

Evan Henspeter, MNM: Owner, Amelanchier Crossing

Kathy Messerli: Executive Director, Minnesota Home Care Association

Jillian Nelson: Community Resource & Policy Advocate, Autism Society of Minnesota

Rachel Shands: Deputy Director, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Boyd Brown: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

11:45 - 12:45

Lunch Keynote & Networking Lunch

Before the Networking Lunch, please join us at the top of the hour for a presentation from our Lunch Keynote speaker, the Executive Director of Minnesota’s Health Cabinet and Assistant Commissioner for Minnesota Management and Budget, Sarah Kinney. Join us as Kinney discusses the Walz administration’s work to improve health policy in the state.

Sarah Kinney: Executive Director, Minnesota Health Cabinet; Assistant Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget

1:00 - 2:00

What’s Next for Improving Minnesota’s Health Data Landscape?

Healthcare data and health information exchange continue to evolve in Minnesota and nationally. How can the state keep up with and leverage evolving health data policy opportunities and changes across the country? This panel will discuss the current health technology landscape, including recent changes to the Trusted Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) and other policies. The panel will also discuss opportunities for Minnesota to take a leading role in the space by incorporating HRSNs.

Liz Cinqueonce, MBA: President & Chief Executive Officer, Minnesota Community Measurement

Jennifer Lundblad, PhD, MBA: President & Chief Executive Officer, Stratis Health

Chad Peterson: Chief Executive Officer, Koble Group

Tyler Winkelman, MD, MSc: Director, Research & Evaluation Data Analytics Core; Co-Director, Health, Homelessness, & Criminal Justice Lab, Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute

1:00 - 2:00

Getting Providers Into the Workforce

The workforce shortage remains a persistent concern to healthcare experts in Minnesota. Join this panel as they discuss different ways to grow the workforce. Panelists will discuss changes to licensure rules and regulations from the state and federal government, as well as how to support the workforce to ensure patients can receive the care they need.

Danny Ackert: Director of State Government Relations, Minnesota Hospital Association

Amy Dellwo: President, Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery & Chemical Health

Megan Loew, PhD: Research Scientist 3, Office of Rural Health & Primary Care

Chris Rubesch: President, Minnesota Nurses Association

Paul Fleissner: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

Transforming Aging in Minnesota

Join this panel as speakers discuss how we tap into our collective ingenuity to change systems and policies in ways that support each of us as we age. Get early insight into the key topics ahead for policymakers in the 2025 legislative session. Panelists will also explore ageism, promising models for supporting caregivers, and key financing solutions.

Natasha Merz: Assistant Commissioner, Aging & Disability Services Administration, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Rajean Moone: Associate Director of Education, Center for Healthy Aging & Innovation, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

Adam Suomala: Executive Director, Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging

Susan McGeehan: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

A Conversation with State Lawmakers: Health Policymaking in the Minnesota Legislature

Join this bipartisan legislative panel as they reflect on the 2024 legislative session. Legislators will share their views and expectations for 2025 including what they hope to see in the upcoming budget year.

Sen. Paul J. Utke: Ranking Minority Member, Senate Health & Human Services Committee, Minnesota State Senate

Sen. Melissa H. Wiklund: Chair, Senate Health & Human Services Committee, Minnesota State Senate

Rep. Peter Fischer: Chair, House Human Services Policy Committee, Minnesota State House of Representatives

Rep. Tina Liebling, MSPH, JD: Chair, House Health Finance & Policy Committee, Minnesota State House of Representatives

Margaret Kirkegaard, MD, MPH, FAAFP: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

3:15 - 4:00

Closing Plenary

Join us as we wrap up the day with a unique plenary of leaders from different areas of Minnesota’s healthcare system. These experts will provide their perspectives on some of the topics that were discussed throughout the day, and talk through opportunities for collaboration between different silos of state healthcare.

Jennifer DeCubellis: Chief Executive Officer, Hennepin Healthcare

Cami Peterson-DeVries: Vice President of Senior Services, St. Francis Health Services of Morris

Marie Zimmerman: Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, UCare

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