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May 14, 2024

Renaissance Phoenix Downtown

2024 Arizona State of Reform Health Policy Conference


Conference Overview

The 2024 Arizona State of Reform Health Policy Conference will once again be taking place in-person on May 14th, 2024 at the Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel!

Managing constant change in healthcare takes more than just hard work. It takes a solid understanding of the legislative process and knowledge about intricacies of the healthcare system. That’s where State of Reform comes in.

State of Reform pulls together practitioners, thought leaders, and policymakers – each working to improve the healthcare system in their own way – into a unified conversation in a single place.  It is sure to be one of the most diverse statewide gatherings of senior healthcare leaders, and one of the most important events in Arizona healthcare.

Join the conversation with other healthcare executives, and help shape reform on May 14th, 2024! If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line!

Topical Agenda

Here is our 2024 Arizona State of Reform Health Policy Conference Topical Agenda! This represents input from hours of conversations with our Advisory Panel and stakeholders across the spectrum of Arizona healthcare over the last number of months.

If you have suggestions for speakers, please feel free to drop us a line. We would love to hear your thoughts on this! If you haven’t already, you can register here.

Please note that all agenda times are local.

7:30 - 8:30

Registration/Networking Breakfast


8:30 - 8:35

Welcome & Introduction


8:45 - 9:45

Developing a Robust Maternal Healthcare Continuum


Measuring Progress in Behavioral Healthcare

Salon 8

Evaluating the State of Healthcare Coverage in Arizona

Salon 7

10:00 - 10:10

Keynote with the Governor:

Katie Hobbs: Governor, State of Arizona


10:10 - 10:45

A Conversation with Carmen Heredia


11:00 - 12:00

Strengthening Child Health & Welfare

Salon 8

Preventing Housing Insecurity & Homelessness

Salon 7

A Focus on Rural & Border Healthcare Access

Salon 6

12:00 - 12:45

Networking Lunch


1:00 - 2:00

Increasing Health Equity Through Population & Community Health

Salon 8

Addressing Opioid Use Disorder

Salon 7

Strategies to Grow the Healthcare Workforce

Salon 6

2:15 - 3:15

Insights Into the Arizona Legislature

Salon 8

An Update from AHCCCS


3:20 - 4:00

Closing Plenary

Tad Gary: Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mercy Care

Jean Kalbacher: Chief Executive Officer, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Arizona

James Stover: Arizona Medicaid Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Complete Health

Jim Stringham: Vice President & Chief Executive Officer, Banner Health Plans



Reception – Sponsored by Magellan


Event Sponsors

Major Sponsors

Health Management Associates Mercy Care Gainwell Technologies  Equality Health

Track Sponsors

Vitalyst Health Foundation

Exhibitor Sponsors

Want to sponsor an upcoming conference?

See Sponorship Details
7:30 - 8:30

Registration & Networking Breakfast

The Networking Breakfast will take place before the start of the conference to allow attendees to grab light refreshments and connect with their fellow colleagues before we kick things off for the day.

8:30 - 8:35

Welcome & Introduction

8:45 - 9:45

Developing a Robust Maternal Healthcare Continuum

Supporting the health of Arizona mothers requires intervention at all stages of maternity —from prenatal services to pregnancy support, to postpartum assistance . This panel will discuss the state’s work to strengthen the maternal healthcare continuum. Panelists will discuss the work of the Maternal Mortality Review Program, strategies to increase maternity care in rural areas, and more.

Rachael Salley, MPH: Maternal Child Health/EPSDT Manager, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Sandra Stein, MD: Chief Medical Officer, Banner Health Plans

Shadie Tofigh, MIPH: Director – Maternal & Infant Health Initiatives, March of Dimes

Nancy Jaeckels Kamp, RN, CPHQ: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

8:45 - 9:45

Measuring Progress in Behavioral Healthcare

Arizona has put significant effort into strengthening behavioral health services for residents. What does the data tell us about recently implemented innovations, and how can the state build off what it’s done so far? This group of experts will evaluate some of the recent work done in the state and explore what more needs to be done.

Jenn Barrett: Vice President, Behavioral Health Transformation, Arizona Council of Human Service Providers

Blythe FitzHarris: Chief Clinical Officer, Mercy Care

Daniel Haley: Chief Executive Officer, Hope Inc.

CJ Loiselle: Deputy Assistant Director, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Robin Trush: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

8:45 - 9:45

Evaluating the State of Healthcare Coverage in Arizona

Health insurance coverage rates have fluctuated in recent years amid Medicaid eligibility redeterminations and rising private insurance costs. Where are there major gaps in coverage? How can the health sector work to ensure employer-sponsored and ACA coverage are affordable? This panel will provide an overview of the coverage landscape and discuss how to maximize coverage accessibility and affordability for all Arizonans.

Patty Dennis: Assistant Director, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Thomas Grote: Chief Executive Officer, Banner | Aetna

Maria Losoya: Health Educator & Community Outreach Specialist, University of Arizona Center for Rural Health

Jim Hammond: Publisher & Chief Executive Officer, The Hertel Report

10:00 - 10:10

Keynote with the Governor

We’re thrilled to welcome Gov. Katie Hobbs for a keynote address about her top priorities for Arizona healthcare. Join us to hear Gov. Hobbs discuss her administration’s key goals and her perspective on some of the top issues in state healthcare.

10:10 - 10:45

A Conversation with Carmen Heredia

Join us for a conversation with Carmen Heredia, Director of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. Heredia will discuss her agency’s recent work, her perspective on some of the top issues in state healthcare, and her goals for the state’s health agency moving forward.

Carmen Heredia: Cabinet Executive Officer; Executive Deputy Director, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

11:00 - 12:00

Strengthening Child Health & Welfare

This panel will focus on the overall health of children in Arizona including behavioral health, school-based health services, and addressing gaps in the child welfare system. Join these experts as they talk through how to ensure children in the state have the necessary support across the spectrum of health and human services.

Chy Porter: Children’s System of Care Program Administrator, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Linda Scott: Vice President, Child & Family Solutions, Jewish Family and Children’s Service

Karrie Steving: Children’s System of Care & Department of Child Safety Comprehensive Health Plan Administrator, Mercy Care

Sandra Zebrowski, MD: Vice President & Medical Director, Public Markets, Quality and Clinical Programs, Magellan

Robin Trush: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

11:00 - 12:00

Preventing Housing Insecurity & Homelessness

Addressing the high number of Arizonans who are homeless or housing insecure is a top priority for leaders in the state. This panel of experts will discuss recent homelessness prevention strategies that have yielded success. They will also discuss innovative solutions being explored throughout the state to address homelessness.

Elizabeth Da Costa: Housing Administrator, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Vicki Phillips: Chief Clinical & Development Officer, Community Bridges, Inc.

Cheryl Schmidt, PhD, RN: Clinical Professor, ASU Edson College of Nursing & Health Innovation

Steven Sheets: Chief Executive Officer, Southwest Behavioral & Health Services

Jesse Eller: Principal Consultant, Health Management Associates (moderator)

11:00 - 12:00

A Focus on Rural & Border Healthcare Access

Individuals living in Arizona’s rural areas continue to experience challenges obtaining healthcare services. Healthcare leaders are focused on improving access to care for those living in rural and border regions through workforce growth efforts, integration of services, and more. Join this panel for a conversation about the best strategies for improving rural and border healthcare access in Arizona.

Sarah Darragh: Medicaid Executive Director, Arizona Complete Health

Jeff Kazmierczak: Chief Executive Officer, Mentally Ill Kids in Distress (M.I.K.I.D.)

Jonathan Melk, MD, FAAP: Chief Executive Officer, Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc.

Kathleen Cahill: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

12:00 - 12:45

Networking Lunch

1:00 - 2:00

Increasing Health Equity Through Population & Community Health

Focusing on population health is a promising way to address inequitable health outcomes. More and more providers are using screening tools to help identify non-medical needs of patients. Join panelists as they discuss upstream solutions to addressing health equity and population health.

Seth Dubry, MD: Senior Market Medical Director, Equality Health

Melissa Kotrys: Chief Executive Officer, Contexture

Erik Meek: Vice President of Business Development, Season Health

Jessica Yanow, MPH: President & Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers

Cameron Adams: Program Director, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

Addressing Opioid Use Disorder

Arizona leaders continue to focus on addressing high rates of substance use in the state and across the country. What is being done to address the fentanyl crisis? And how impactful have initiatives like community naloxone distribution been? These experienced leaders will discuss the road ahead for opioid and substance use services.

Jeremy Bloom: Chief Executive Officer, NorthSight Recovery

Haley Coles: Co-Founder & Executive Director, Sonoran Prevention Works

José Luis Madera, MSC, LPC: Senior Manager, Integrated Behavioral Health Program, Valleywise Health

Alisa Randall: Assistant Director & Mental Health Commissioner, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Sheila Sjolander: Deputy Director, Public Health Services, Arizona Department of Health Services

1:00 - 2:00

Strategies to Grow the Healthcare Workforce

The state has directed significant resources to growing its healthcare workforce in recent years. However,  concerning levels of shortages in critical areas like acute care remain. Various initiatives like school-based workforce pipeline programs are promising, as is recent legislation aimed at supporting the workforce. This panel will measure where we’ve seen success and where we go from here.

Kimberly Craig: Chief Executive Officer, Center for Health & Recovery

Ronda Doolen: Chief Academic Officer, East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT)

Bill Kennard: Administrator, Healthcare Workforce Development, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Zaida Dedolph Piecoro: Health Policy Advisor, Office of Gov. Katie Hobbs

Ruth Danielzuk: Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Insights Into the Arizona Legislature

The Arizona Legislature considered various significant bills to reform health policy this year. Join this group of experts as they evaluate the health policymaking discussions that took place in the legislature this year, the projected impact of key health bills that passed, and what to expect from the legislature in the future.

Jennifer J. Burns: Senior Director of Legislative Affairs, Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers

Candy Espino, MBA: President & Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Council of Human Service Providers

Beth Kohler: Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Association of Health Plans

Daniel Rhodes: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

An Update from AHCCCS

Join this unique panel for an informative update from the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). The state health agency’s top leaders will provide an overview of their main priorities to improve health policy this year, and what they have planned for the future.

Kristen Challacombe: Deputy Director, Business Operations, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Marcus Johnson: Deputy Director, Community Engagement & Regulatory Affairs, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Sara Salek, MD: Chief Medical Officer, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Carmen Heredia: Cabinet Executive Officer, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (moderator)

3:20 - 4:00

Closing Plenary

We’re thrilled to be closing the conference with a unique plenary of prominent health plan leaders. Join Mercy Care President and CEO Lorry Bottrill, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Arizona CEO Jean Kalbacher, Arizona Complete Health Medicaid CEO James Stover, and Banner Health Plans Vice President and CEO Jim Stringham for a discussion about some of the central topics in Arizona health policy that were taken up throughout the day’s breakout sessions.

Tad Gary: Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mercy Care

Jean Kalbacher: Chief Executive Officer, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Arizona

James Stover: Arizona Medicaid Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Complete Health

Jim Stringham: Vice President & Chief Executive Officer, Banner Health Plans

Nancy Jaeckels Kamp: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)



Please join us following the Closing Keynote for a Networking Reception, sponsored by Magellan Health. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be included, giving attendees a wonderful opportunity to follow up on the discussions we’ve had throughout the day.

Don't miss it - Register now!

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