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December 7, 2023

InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront

2023 Minnesota State of Reform Health Policy Conference


Conference Overview

The inaugural 2023 Minnesota State of Reform Health Policy Conference will be taking place in-person at the InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront Hotel on December 7th, 2023!

State of Reform pulls together practitioners, thought leaders, and policy makers – each working to improve our healthcare system in their own way – into a unified conversation in a single place. If you are interested in understanding what occurs at the nexus of healthcare policy and politics, then this is the conference for you.

Join us at the InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront Hotel on December 7th to discuss the most important healthcare activities taking place in Minnesota. If you have questions or speaker suggestions, please feel free to drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!

Topical Agenda

Here is our 2023 Minnesota State of Reform Health Policy Conference Topical Agenda! This represents input from hours of conversations with our Advisory Panel and stakeholders across the spectrum of Minnesota healthcare over the last number of months.

If you have suggestions for speakers, please feel free to drop us a line. We would love to hear your thoughts on this! If you have not already registered, you can do so here.

Please note that all agenda times are local.

7:30 - 8:30

Registration/Networking Breakfast – Sponsored by Genentech


8:30 - 9:15

Opening Keynote
Brooke Cunningham: Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health

Minnesota Ballroom

9:30 - 10:30


Caring for Older Minnesotans & their Families

State 1


Finding Meaningful Solutions to Racial & Tribal Health Disparities

State 2


Progress on Increasing Access to SUD Treatment & Creating a Functional Ecosystem

State 3

10:45 - 11:45


Legislators Discuss Healthcare Policy Priorities

State 2


Looking Toward the Next 1115 Waiver: HRSNs & Jail Transitions

State 3

Closing Access Gaps: Workforce Solutions, Interoperability, & Rural Strategies

State 1

11:45 - 12:45

Networking Lunch

Minnesota Ballroom

1:00 - 2:00


Housing & Homelessness: How are the Dollars Being Used?

State 3


An Update on Behavioral Health Integration & CCBHCs’ Work

State 1

Analyzing Medicaid Redetermination Strategy: How Can We Move Forward?

State 2

2:15 - 3:15


Insights into the MN Legislature

State 1

The Importance of Early Intervention & Streamlining Care Through the Behavioral Health Continuum

State 2


Turning Opioid Funding into Coordinated Action

State 3

3:30 - 4:15

Closing Keynote

John Connolly: Assistant Commissioner, Health Care Administration, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Minnesota Ballroom


Reception – Sponsored by Health Management Associates


We are honored to release our list of Advisory Panel members ahead of our 2023 Minnesota State of Reform Health Policy Conference taking place on December 7th, 2023!

If you know Minnesota health care, then you know this is a “who’s who” of senior healthcare executives and health policy leaders in the state! These folks will help shape our December agenda through a process that launches mid-summer of 2023!

Want to be a speaker? Want to join the Advisory Panel? Just have questions? If so, drop us a line and let us know you’re interested!

KirstenAndersonExecutive DirectorAspireMN
DanEndresonSenior Director, Policy & Government AffairsMinnesota Council of Health Plans
EricMuschlerDirector, Housing & Health EquityGreater Minnesota Housing Fund
JinnyPalenExecutive DirectorMinnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs
MartiPaulsonBoard MemberMinnesota Rural Health Association
JonathanWatsonChief Executive OfficerMinnesota Association of Community Health Centers
DavidWeberSenior Principal, Account SalesGainwell Technologies

Major Sponsor

Track Sponsors

Carelon Gainwell Technologies

Networking Breakfast Sponsor


Additional Sponsors

Medical Alley

Event Sponsors

Major Sponsors

Track Sponsors

Exhibitor Sponsors

Want to sponsor an upcoming conference?

See Sponorship Details
7:30 - 8:30

Networking Breakfast - Sponsored by Genentech

The networking breakfast will take place before the start of the conference to allow attendees to grab a light refreshment and connect with their fellow colleagues before we kick things off for the day.

8:30 - 9:15

Opening Keynote

It’s an honor to host Brooke Cunningham, Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health, as our Opening Keynote speaker! Grab a seat to hear Cunningham update the audience on key initiatives underway at the state’s health agency and provide a glimpse at what the department will be working on in 2024.

Brooke Cunningham: Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health

Kathleen Nolan: Regional Vice President, Health Management Associates (moderator)

9:30 - 10:30

Caring for Older Minnesotans and their Families

Minnesota has been a leader in long-term services and supports and offers robust community based services for older residents. Continued progress will take focus and attention. In this session, leading voices will discuss our progress to date and next steps in integrating care and addressing social service needs. We’ll focus on caregiver supports as an integral part of this strategy.

Emi Bennett Vo: State Public Programs Manager, Government Programs, HealthPartners

Michael Cabonargi: Region 5 Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Reena Shetty: Director, Governor’s Council on Age-Friendly Minnesota

Dawn Simonson: President & Chief Executive Officer, Trellis

9:30 - 10:30

Finding Meaningful Solutions to Racial & Tribal Health Disparities

This panel will focus on the disparities that continue to exist in Minnesota healthcare. Disparate health outcomes, inequitable access to care, and many other barriers persist among racial minorities and indigenous populations. What work is being done in the state to fill these gaps, and how can stakeholders like you contribute to an equitable healthcare system? Join this panel for a collaborative discussion on this critical issue.

Michelle Archambault: Director, Healthcare Market, Genentech

Erica Lester: Workforce Development Manager, Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers

Antony Stately, PhD: Executive Officer & President, Native American Community Clinic

9:30 - 10:30

Progress on Increasing Access to SUD Treatment & Creating a Functional Ecosystem

Ensuring quality, affordable SUD treatment is available to Minnesotans who need it remains a top priority for those in the state’s health sector. Stakeholders are working to create an adequate system of care for these individuals, and much work remains. From overdose prevention to recovery, there must be a sustainable ecosystem of care and services. This panel will explore the ways Minnesota can improve its SUD services.

Jeremy Drucker: Assistant Commissioner, Minnesota Office of Addiction and Recovery, Office of Governor Walz, and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan

Kenneth Roberts: Chief Clinical Officer, Nuway Alliance

Brian Zirbes: Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery & Chemical Health

Christine Rein: Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

10:45 - 11:45

Legislators Discuss Healthcare Policy Priorities

Though a diverse range of voices lend themselves to healthcare reform, state legislators are the ones who do the actual lawmaking at the capitol. So, we’re convening a panel of leading lawmakers to reflect on the accomplishments of the 2023 legislative session, discuss any key topics that they see for 2024, and provide a preview of some of the new initiatives and legislation you can expect in the upcoming session.

Sen. John Hoffman: Chair, Senate Human Services Committee 

Sen. Jim Abeler: Ranking Minority Member, Senate Human Services Committee

Rep. Robert Bierman: Vice Chair, House Health, Finance and Policy Committee

Rep. Liz Reyer: Member, House Health, Finance and Policy Committee

10:45 - 11:45

Looking Toward the Next 1115 Waiver: HRSNs & Jail Transitions

During this panel, experts will explore the possibilities of Minnesota’s next 1115 waiver extension and discuss how it could support the state’s efforts around health-related social needs (HSRNs), as well as provide services to individuals transitioning out of carceral settings. Join these experts for an informative discussion on where we go from here.

Allen Godfrey: Director, Field Services, Minnesota Department of Corrections

Tim Walsh: Chief Executive Officer, NorthStar Regional

Paul Fleissner: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator) 

10:45 - 11:45

Closing Access Gaps: Workforce Solutions, Interoperability, & Rural Strategies

It’s critical for the Minnesota health sector to ensure all individuals have access to healthcare when needed. Whether it’s due to workforce shortages, inadequate interoperability of health data, or limited access in rural areas, gaps in care access remain. These experts will discuss the best solutions for improving access to healthcare for all Minnesotans, with a focus on the unique challenges in our rural communities.

Leota Lind: Chief Executive Officer, South County Health Alliance

Savannah Cleveland Queen: Manager, Customer and Community Success, findhelp

Rajesh Sharma: VP & GM for Systems Integration, Data Analytics & Interoperability, Gainwell Technologies

Kelly Asche: Senior Researcher, Center for Rural Policy and Development

1:00 - 2:00

Housing & Homelessness: How are the Dollars Being Used?

The Minnesota health sector has made addressing homelessness a top priority, and has invested significant resources into providing sustainable housing in recent years. We’ve brought together a group of leaders in this space who will discuss the most promising strategies for putting the state’s available funding into action, and how different silos can collaborate to help support housing-insecure and homeless Minnesotans.

Andrea Brennan: President & Chief Executive Officer, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund

Blair Harrison: Senior Policy Director, Population Health & Social Care, UnitedHealthcare Community & State

Wendy Underwood: Chief Advancement & Public Engagement Officer, Catholic Charities Twin Cities

Rob Muschler: Senior Associate, Health Management Associates (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

An Update on Behavioral Health Integration & CCBHC's Work

Minnesota is working to improve the integration of primary and behavioral healthcare, and ensure sustainability of BH providers by adopting alternative payment models. The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) program is one example of this. In this session, we’ll explore the biggest gaps in the BH system, identify promising practices in integration, and examine the payment models that best drive innovations and improvements in care.

Ashley Kjos: Chief Executive Officer, Woodland Centers

Laura Vaughn: Executive Director, Northern Pines Mental Health Center

Jinny Palen: Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs (moderator)

1:00 - 2:00

Analyzing Medicaid Redetermination Strategy: How Can We Move Forward

Minnesota is set to wrap up Medicaid eligibility redeterminations in July of next year. What have been some of the main challenges so far in reaching members and connecting no-longer-eligible individuals to alternative forms of coverage? These leaders will conduct a thorough conversation about best practices for the state moving forward as redeterminations continue and stakeholders work to prevent coverage loss.

Marti Fischbach: Director, Community Services, Dakota County

Julie Marquardt: Acting Assistant Commissioner & State Medicaid Director, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Chris Reiten: Vice President, Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota

Kathleen Nolan: Regional Vice President, Health Management Associates (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Insights into the MN Legislature

The 2024 legislative session is around the corner, and with issues like the healthcare workforce shortage, prescription drug costs, and health-related social needs all being top of mind, we’ve gathered this group of experts attuned to health policymaking in St. Paul. Grab a seat to hear what to watch for as lawmakers prepare to take up a variety of significant health-related legislation next year.

Peter Brickwedde: Assistant Commissioner, External Affairs, Minnesota Department of Commerce

Amy Dellwo: President, Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery & Chemical Health & VP of Strategic Policy and Market Expansion, Kyros

Tom Lehman: Founder, The Lehman Group

Lin Nelson: Vice President, Public Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota

Nancy Nelson: Chief Executive Officer, Cirdan Health System and Consulting, An HMA Company (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

The Importance of Early Intervention & Streamlining Care Through the Behavioral Health Continuum

In this conversation, experts will discuss how early intervention in children’s behavioral health issues is key to preventing the emergence of more serious and costly behavioral health conditions down the road, and how the state can ensure more individuals receive this early intervention. Panelists will also talk through the best strategies for streamlining behavioral healthcare in Minnesota.

Brandon Jones: Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Children’s Mental Health

Simreet Khaira, MD: Regional Medical Director, East, Carelon Behavioral Health

Trey Sutten: Co-Founder and CEO, Siftwell

Sue Abderholden: Executive Director, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (moderator)

2:15 - 3:15

Turning Opioid Funding into Coordinated Action

Minnesota has made substantial investments in treating addiction, largely drawing from settlement funds it received from national opioid litigation. It’s critical that state leaders and the health sector work together to establish an optimal use of this funding that will maximize its benefit to individuals struggling with opioid use and the professionals who treat them. Join this panel for an expert-led conversation about how opioid funding can be best put to use.

Sarah Grosshuesch: Public Health Director, Wright County

Alicia House: Executive Director, Steve Rummler Hope Network

Antony Stately, PhD: Executive Officer & President, Native American Community Clinic

Boyd Brown: Associate Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)

3:30 - 4:15

Closing Keynote

We’re wrapping up the day with a valuable keynote from John Connolly, Assistant Commissioner for the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Connolly will discuss how his work in California’s health policy space has prepared him for his new role in Minnesota, and the work his agency has on deck in the coming months.

John Connolly: Assistant Commissioner, Health Care Administration, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Paul Fleissner: Managing Principal, Health Management Associates (moderator)


Reception - Sponsored by Health Management Associates

Please join us following the Closing Keynote for a Networking Reception, sponsored by Health Management Associates. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be included, giving attendees a wonderful opportunity to follow up on the discussions we’ve had throughout the day.

Don't miss it - Register now!

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